
Thursday, April 21, 2011


Hubby has been gone since Tuesday evening to a conference. I take these times with Jacob to *spoil* him. We eat junk food, drink soda, skip bath time, read lots of stories, watch movies, dance like fools, go shopping, stay up past bedtime, make up funny voices/characters and faces to match. I so enjoy that he and I can snuggle and a simple game of calling each other names of desserts will entertain us for 20 minutes, with giggles and howling. He woke up and crawled in my bed this morning. “I’m still so tired Mama.”, he said. I ALMOST said, “let’s skip preschool today and you and I can start our weekend NOW.” I almost did that. Then, I realized that would be bad for next year and starting kindergarten.

We are excited for daddy to return home. I am so grateful for the wholeness I feel with my guys. It sounds like Stevo scored me a can of Strawberry Fanta from his conference session yesterday afternoon!  Booyah! Absence doesn’t make my heart grow fonder towards my husband. Absence stares me, in the face, and shows me all the ittiest, bittiest, daily details that I miss that make our relationship, which causes me to thank God. When Steve calls me and tells me that he’s bringing me  home a surprise and then he spills that it’s a can of Strawberry Fanta, well, it just makes me feel giddy that he pays attention to a detail like that. This is where he would joke and say, “how could one not pay attention to that detail…you talk about it every day.” Still, I know men that aren’t that sweet on their wives and I know I am blessed with a playful sort of fellow who will get lots of shuga when he gets home to us. Smile

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